Production Chemicals

During this stage of oil retrieval, hydrocarbons are extracted and the crude is separated; the liquid hydrocarbons and gas are recovered with the water and solids are also removed. We perceive that the production, separation and refining of crude oil needs to be accomplished quickly and economically.

Our advanced speciality chemical solutions / production fluids focus on high performing demulsification technologies, flow assurance chemistries for pipeline transportation as well as other products to extend equipment life cycle, saving cost and optimising production.

We provide a range of production / oilfield chemicals engineered to improve production performance and meet the challenges of changing global regulations & environmental concerns to ensure you maximise output from your wells.

Finished formulation capabilities:

At KAPL, we provide on-site testing as well as technical assistance in identifying & screening the right chemistries.

These additives are polymers designed to interfere in the wax crystallization process, thus modifying the crystal structure of the paraffin present in the crude oil. The change in the crystal shape diminishes the ability of waxy aggregates to inter grow and inter lock, resulting in lowering the pour point of the crude.

These additives are liquid, organic, surfaceactive chemicals. They interact with paraffin wax to modify or interfere with its crystal structure to effectively disperse them in the liquid phase. This prevents further growth by chemically satisfying sites where new wax molecules attach.

These additives attach and interfere with the asphaltenes present in the crude oil & stabilize them. They prevent the particles from forming bigger size molecules and getting deposited.

Demulsifier products are used for removal of water from water/oil emulsions economically meeting the technical requirements of the oil for further processing.

This is an ultra high molecular weight polyolefin polymer. This is gel or suspension in hydrocarbon and fatty oil. The drag reducing additive minimizes the flow turbulence, increases throughput and reduces the energy costs.

Under Development.

These additives remove free/emulsified oil from separated water in oil fields. These additives are liquid cationic polyamines, which attach with left over emulsified oil & cause coalescence of emulsified droplets.

These additives get adsorbed on the metallic surface, protecting the metal surface by forming a film, giving the surface a certain level of protection.

These water-soluble products tie up with the H2S in an irreversible reaction preventing the release and thus reduce corrosion and improve process safety. They are designed to control H2S with bubble tower applications and/or continuous injections into the wellhead, infield or other transmission lines.

These products are water soluble formulations which scavenge Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S). Additionally they contain scale inhibitor to address system with possible scaling potential arising due to calcium carbonate precipitation.

These are Benzalkonium Chloride based Microbiocides and are used for effective control of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the oilfields as well as in various other applications. They prevent formation of sulphurous gases & inhibit corrosion and biofouling in pipelines.

An effective way to disrupt foam formation is to introduce a foam control surfactant into the system. An antifoamer functions by spreading over the oil & gas interfaces, thereby preventing foam forming materials from coming to the surface and providing a surface layer which will not sustain foam.

These additives rapidly dissolve and fluidize sludge, wax, gum and tar formations while effectively separating water from oil/water emulsions.

These additives prevent/ break emulsion block formation in the invasion zone in an oil well, which in turn increases crude flow from the formation.

It is a specially designed corrosion inhibitor for Gas Pipelines as well as Gas+Oil Pipelines. It is a film forming inhibitor that gets adsorbed on the metal surface and inhibits corrosive reaction between corroding media and the pipeline material.

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